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flask 返回值 Flask 销毁回调

2023-05-20 04:33 Flask教程

flask 返回值 Flask 销毁回调

flask 返回值 Flask 销毁回调

flask 返回值

销毁回调是是特殊的回调,因为它们在不同的点上执行。严格地说,它们不依赖实际 的请求处理,因为它们限定在 ​RequestContext​ 对象的生命周期。 当请求上下文出栈时, ​teardown_request()​ 上绑定的函数会 被调用。

这对于了解请求上下文的寿命是否因为在 with 声明中使用测试客户端或在命令行 中使用请求上下文时被延长很重要:

with app.test_client() as client:
    resp = client.get("/foo")
    # the teardown functions are still not called at that point
    # even though the response ended and you have the response
    # object in your hand

# only when the code reaches this point the teardown functions
# are called.  Alternatively the same thing happens if another
# request was triggered from the test client


>>> app = Flask(__name__)
>>> @app.teardown_request
... def teardown_request(exception=None):
...     print "this runs after request"
>>> ctx = app.test_request_context()
>>> ctx.push()
>>> ctx.pop()
this runs after request

注意销毁回调总是会被执行,即使没有请求前回调执行过,或是异常发生。测试系 统的特定部分也会临时地在不调用请求前处理器的情况下创建请求上下文。确保你 写的请求销毁处理器不会报错。

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